
{our} adventurebook

registering at REI was officially the best idea ever {hint, hint}.
so many fun bits + bobbins that i would have never even thought existed!
check this out {i'm surprised it doesn't make coffee too!}.

can't wait for our new adventure.

i still love target & bed bath + beyond too ;),


love + wars

i just love it when...

:: my fiance sees my wedding shoes + says, "so these are the shoes your going to be in when your first called my wife?". & my face hurts from smiling.

:: "my best friend's wedding" still makes me cry. happy + sad tears.

:: i hear that taylor swift will be in a movie with zac efron.

:: i find new pretty neighborhoods + outdoor garden stores.

:: listening to the pocahontas soundtrack gives me a feeling of reckless abandon. disney music never goes out of style. neither does innocence.

:: jesus gives my sister more than a body that can put up quite a fight, but a strong heart.

my God is bigger than even the most fatal blood clot,
:: sarahjo ::


belief + dreams


left {behind}

even though she is home,
it's not going to make me breathe any easier this week.



{not so} darling

it was everything it shouldn't have been.

phone calls from long lost strangers.
death of an old friend.
an unexpected fatal illness in the family.

friday felt like anything but "good".
today feels no different...

i've never been so disheartened,


{on the} road.

going home...

& at the moment,
nothing sounds sweeter.



my {new} favorite

best new website i found!
so very cute + thoughtful::


packed {up}

need i say more?

hurry up thursday,


follow + believe

love can heal the broken.
hope can make you see.

swept {away}


kittens + my {future} backyard


#1 i always feel guilty when i have to take my cats to the vet. especially when they curl up onto my lap + hide their faces after their shots. it tears at my heart. :(

#2 someday i will have a legit treehouse. hopefully before i have kids... kinda like the movie, "now + then"...



wed workshop {part 2}

more be-A-utiful wed pics to add to the collection and inspiration board.
p.s. LOVING yard sales on this fine saturday...


{common} occurrence

don't you just hate it when you {semi} freak out about natural disasters, then you end up dreaming about it? only it's in excess?

why yes, there was a tornado warning today. but please tell me why did i have to dream there were three huge black tornadoes out my window last night and i'm trying to get away from them with all my might?

and WHY do i have to be in slow motion?!

don't even get me started on my recurring visions of sharks in shallow water, killer whales in the swimming pool, or snakes completely covering my backyard.

my dreams are weird + i think i need to get back to neverland instead,


it's {pretty} crazy


{wed} workshop

here's some lovely goods and inspiration i've come across recently for my wedding {some of which i've already purchased!} ::

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