
roughin' it.

drove. pitched a tent. ran in the crisp morning. black coffee + baked beans for breakfast. canoed all day. burnt shoulders. camped out. drove some more. lake time. water skiing. tubing with my momma. cliff jumping. water up my nose. twice. more burnt skin.

& totally worth the crazy looking sun rash i had last night.

oh how i love summer weekend-ing,



bags are by the door,
hearts are on the floor
there’s a bottle of tears on the dresser drawer…

nobody knows the trouble we’ve seen
nobody knows the price of this dream
& nobody knows what it took to believe.

{i just want to be free, like a runaway.}

Runaway by Mat Kearney on Grooveshark



take these broken streets
take these broken dreams
hold my hand like we’re walking free.

top of our lungs hallelujah
where pain + love bleed into one.

Down by Mat Kearney on Grooveshark
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