
i run {for 30 minutes...}

So what if my form is terrible and I probably run as slow as a turtle? My "run" is more of a jog, but it doesn't mean I sacrifice less than a 7-minute mile girl. We all got our gifts and talents. Some of us just have to work harder and tweek our goals to get there.

For me, climbing Long's Peak {via Keyhole Route} is enough to motivate me. Which means lots of cardio, becoming buddies with the treadmill {inclined the whole 15}, and lifting weights. YES! I did all that! And it's not even the end of the week!

Sorry, I'm just a tad excited that my motivation {finally!} kicked in. ;)

So, while I'll never be this kid::

{that's my bro}

I know that I still made it up that hill today. And that's all I could ask for.

Happy Weekend-ing,


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