
splendor {past the limitations.}

i’m starting to get this sinking feeling that i’m wasting my life.
i’m constantly in this state of discontent.
as though i’m accomplishing nothing.

amongst the mess of my pity party,
i have forgotten how fortunate i am.
yet, i still struggle.

therefore today, i started “the happiness project.”
i know the book may not be from a christian point of view,
but that doesn’t make it wrong.
although, in the end i may come to find that the author + i will have some different opinions on what will truly make one happy.

but that’s what the book is all about.
in the end, you create your own happiness project.
everyone’s will vary.
however, all may learn to be grateful for an ordinary day.

which is exactly what i’m going to attempt to do.


Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine on Grooveshark

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