
our souvenirs.

it can be anything.

maybe something simple::
a smell. an object. a song. a keepsake.

or it maybe complex::an old hang out spot. a note written or received. a phone call you picked up. cutting remarks exchanged. or maybe words to strengthen. a bridge burned. lessons learned.

whether it be a flashback that’s hard to choke back or a moment you wish you could recapture, our memories follow us… & sometimes they haunt us. they can tear us apart or help to put the pieces back together.

but no matter if the recollection was good or bad, it doesn’t have to dictate our lives. you don’t have to stay stuck in the same small town.  just because you were the nerdy kid or most popular person in high school doesn’t mean you’ll have that identity forever. & you shouldn’t wait around for your ex girlfriend//boyfriend to change their mind.

so let go of what you cannot change + strive to break the chains. forgive + forget. laugh at your mistakes. smile fondly at what used be + then move on…


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