
{picking up} the pieces

it seems you can't even turn around these days without being hit head on with something traumatic. if it's not you personally experiencing it, it's someone you deeply care about + love.

& it hurts all the same.

the death of an 18 year old boy is no exception. it's beyond heart wrenching. it leaves damage in it's path, much like an F5 tornado destroying the town of joplin. something so sudden and unexpected, life comes to a halt. & we have to pick up the pieces + start over.

i sat in front of my fiance last night and told him that it's hard to see it right now, but God will create something absolutely beautiful of the ashes left behind in our lives. over time, we will start to see it with our eyes. feel it in our hearts.

isn't it comforting? we are NEVER alone. God did not say this life would be easy, & we are not always meant to know the answers. but in time, we start to hope. & heal. & God's promises are revealed in ways we never thought possible. it's His love.

His love even for the boy He's holding in His arms right now.
saying, "I'm here + you're home."


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