
happy {day}

I am needing to learn all over again the simple joys in life. The little things that once made me happy, yet for some time I chose to ignore them because I was being competitive. Which, to be honest? Isn't always the best idea. It's not healthy to constantly be in a battle like that.

Sometimes I find that I am sad and hurt for hours. Only to turn around and be angry for the rest of the day. And I would love to get revenge. But that's not my place. It's natural I'm sure.

Forgiveness will come. But it will take time. In the mean time, I will fight to find my true joy in the only thing possible:: Christ.

And the little, simple things. All over again::

::cute kittens that love me and wait for me at the door when I
come home. I love that they each have different personalities too::

:: my prayer box:: we need to get reacquainted::
{yes, I got the idea from Redeeming Love}

::new sweatpants:: there's always more to talk about with this issue. So, there is more to come! promise!

And lastly::

Family that cares about everything and people I can share my secrets to without being judged.

Girls everywhere that can relate to what I've been through and say, "It's their loss, they're not worth your time and friendship." Thank you. It means so much more than you know.

A boyfriend that listens to even my tiniest of problems and really cares about what I'm going through.

Love you guys!


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