
{my} friday five

I guess I would have Sarah Dessen to thank for her original idea of The Friday Five {basically anything and everything from the week, whether it be good or bad, that made my top five.} Not really that complicated at all...

1. The Apple Airport. I'm officially frustrated with mine and trying to get it to work. Then again, I always make technology harder than what it really is... wireless internet within the next week? I'll keep you updated.

2. I am in love with my new camera {picture taken above, courtesy of me.} I am hoping to figure out all the little features and gadgets... I might need a teacher.

3. Did I seriously wait this long to paint my toenails? I won't go into detail. It's just plain sad. Of course I decided on neon pink. My summer favorite.

4. I have officially decided to hike up a mountain {Long's Peak?} this summer in Colorado. The treadmill and I need to become best friends rather quickly... Where's the motivation?

5. So looking forward to this coming week and visiting JBU! I'm already making a list {as I am a list-maker} of what I want to do. Now that the weather's warming up to my liking it should be a little easier.

Have a great weekend my few followers! :)

1 shared some love:

Anonymous said...

visiting jbu? does that mean i'll have a roommate again??? ;)

hope you're having a wonderful weekend, sarah!


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