
fix + mend

"the couple that fights the most is the one most in love... it shows they care enough to notice the other one screwed up and care enough to mention it to the person so they can fix it. when you stop fighting it means you stopped caring."
-shawna waltemyer

i had a girl once tell me that her mom and stepdad never fight. that they are just so sweet together all the time. i honestly think that's very sad and untrue.

ok, maybe they do never fight, but what happens when they have a disagreement? they just ignore it? i'm sorry {& i may be stepping on some toes here}, but i think it's a normal thing to fight with the ones we love. it means we love them enough to be brutally honest and tell them our true feelings. however, if fighting is getting to a point where it is destructive to yourself and another, i think there are clearly some issues that need to be worked out.

i agree with the above quote, wholeheartedly. there's nothing wrong with having our opinions, but too much expression can be destructive.


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