
balloons + ballerinas

Listening to "Never Grow Up" made me realize that I feel the exact same way that Taylor does:: someday everything I have will be gone. Time has already taken Petshops, hamsters, "say like", best friends and scraped knees away from me.

And watching my {not so} little sister finish out her final high school festivities and just turn 18 makes me wish I had those memories back even more. I think, ::Gosh, I wish I could relive some of those hilarious moments in Madrigals or cheering at a football game or rehearsals for the musical:: . But you can't get that back.

I wanna tell her that it goes by so fast, you'll blink and it will be gone. Hold onto it tightly and remember it all:: the Chiefs' cheerleader halloween costume, the chocolate on your mouth when you were playing wiffle ball in the front yard, and even dancing in the living room with your brother in anticipation of opening Christmas presents.

Just because you are considered a grown up now doesn't mean you need to spare innocence. Never lose that.

Even when you go to college.
The day you get married.
And {someday} have babies.

I love you so much, Hannah. Even now that you've become the incredible, smart, talented, beautiful woman that you are. And that will never change.

I will always remember the footsteps, the words said, and the songs we used to make up.

1 shared some love:

emily charline said...

i sometimes miss the lack of responsibility. i remember some days being so miserable in high school---if only my "today self" could remind my "then self" just how lucky i was.

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