
a birthday {tale}

i think 25 is the perfect age. no joke.
i secretly desired {for the longest time} to be married by the time i was 25.
now my wish is for a year of mature choices + wanderlust. to love those who push me away + let go of the past...

well, with the exception of::

lion king + pocahontas-themed parties.
a surprise sweet sixteen celebration.
ice cream cakes from dairy queen.
sleep overs. mary kate + ashley videos.
petshops. lisa frank collections. hamsters.
sitting in mr murphy's class, giddy about turning 15. seeing his disconcerting expression when someone barged in the classroom + saying something about an airplane crashing into a building. but who even knew what the world trade center was? i sure didn't.

but i do now. and although i don't know much about politics, geography, & history, i know a lot about human emotion. & truthfully, it doesn't even bother me that i share this day with an event more significant than myself. nor do the stories, memories, heartbreaks, + heroic tales i hear.

it continues to give me goosebumps + make the tears flow.
& i hope to never grow numb to it.
i think it needs to remain raw + real.
for my sake + everyone else that was affected by it.

i will not feel sorry for myself + i will never forget,

{p.s. orange tabby photog to be explained soon... :)}

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