
the {almost} friday five!

Yes, it's back!

1. Countdown to Taylor Swift's Speak Now:: this is something on itunes. A new single from Taylor's album every week from here on out until the official release. Recommended for you die-hard fans: go to Target to get the album. Extra features and songs. Boo-yah!

2. Vaca time:: Yep! you heard right. I will be going on vacation in a week from now for about 10 days. Much needed. Much deserved.

3. Mmmm. iphone:: I broke down and got one. And was thoroughly peeved when I discovered they don't have the white ones out yet! Til December. You've got to be kidding me... Grrrr.

4. Fotography:: With an "F", yes. I'm thinking of starting another blog for my photography. I'm trying to settle on a name/blog design/crafty ideas/and working on getting more photos together. This might be a PROCESS, if you know what I mean. Lord knows it took me about 3 MONTHS to even put together a blog. I'm picky and precise. I can't help it.

5. My {other} favorite Sarah:: See the pic at the top??? No big deal or anything... it's just the cover of Sarah Dessen's NEW BOOK!!! Sorry I can't contain this excitement! Ok, too many exclamation points. May 10, 2011. Don't forget.

October, you have the best surprises.

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