
if i don't speak {then who's gonna tell you?}

yikes! it scares me when my heart feels vengeful. & how easily it comes.

like perhaps me telling someone how awful they are makes me the “better” person?
i like to call it “crashing the party.”
we try to tear someone’s party favors down {their ego} when we feel that they have no remorse for hurting others. 
i’ve only done that a few select moments in my life.
but it’s history i don’t want to repeat.

it only seems comfortable to remain angry at a person who wronged you.
& practice verbally defending yourself in the mirror,
hoping to have a confrontation one day so you can tell them how you REALLY feel//felt.

but it doesn’t make things better.
& it won’t make room for healing.

forgiveness is necessary. grudges only hinder.

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